Tuesday, April 13, 2004

All further journal entries will be posted here....


Sunday, April 04, 2004

[Current Mood] I'm Alright
[Current Song] Britney Spears - Boom Boom

Well where do I start...ok friday I went with Ryan & Sean to Stefans...and it took us so long cuz I forgot the directions. When we got there I got drunk..lol....and we just sat around. I ended up falling asleep on the way home in the car and went to sleep at 5am. Then yesterday I woke at 11:30am to go to Tracey's house cuz we had tickets to Britney Spears - The Onyx Hotel Tour at the ACC. We went with Jay, Jodie and this girl Mary. When we got to toronto we walked around for a bit and went into stores then mcdonalds. Once it was time we got first in line to get in. Then once we got in we sat in our seats which were decent and watched Skye Sweetham & Kelis preform...then Britney came out singing Toxic first. I was suprized she had Brown hair...I like it better. Tracey and Jay were dancing and really excited...I was too but I like to focus on the preformance rather than jump around. When she preformed Touch Of My Hand she was wearing this skin coloured suit with diamonds on it and was pretending to masterbate in a tub...it was interesting...lol...overall I liked it. We went back to Traceys afterwards and stayed the night. I got home today at like 7pm. ummmmmmmm I guess thats all for now. Hopefully for the Madonna show in toronto I can get tickets some how cuz I wanna go.